Kamenetz Tower
   Photo: Kamenets Tower

Kamenets - a monument Romanesque dungeon Volyn type, built in 1271-1288, respectively. Donjon - high impregnable tower, last line of defense of the feudal castle. These towers were designed for a long siege, therefore, includes accommodation and food warehouses and ammunition.

Kamenetz Tower was built on the high bank of the deep river Forest. The design and location of Veigy made it virtually impregnable. The tower was conducted circular firing arrows at a considerable distance, and the enemy could not get to her walls.

For this area, called in the XIII century Beresteis'ka constantly wars were fought, as all sides it was surrounded by covetous neighbors: Russia, Lithuania and Mazovia. Berestye belonged to the Galician-Volyn prince.

Prince Vladimir Vasilkovich decided to strengthen the border and built several watchtowers. It has survived only Kamenetskaya. The exact date of construction Vezhi unknown, but the first mention of the town of Kamenetz, has grown up around the tower, is found in the Ipatievsky annals: "And ulyubi place it over beregom reky Lysny and oterebi e and potom why cumbereth on nem gorod and narche his name Kamenetz Zane bys land kamena" .

The height of the tower 29, 4 meters. It is built in five tiers. The outer diameter of the tower 13, 5 meters. The wall thickness of 2, 5 meters.

In 1960 Kamenets was declared a historical monument, restored and inside it organized a branch of the ethnographic museum. Part of the museum pieces appeared after the archaeological site in 1970 under the leadership of MA Tkachev. The rest of the exhibits tell the history of Kamenetz region and the construction of the tower.

Now Kamenetz Tower was not only interesting sights and museums, but also the organizing center of medieval festivals and reconstruction of historical battles.

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