Lake Hajigabul
   Photo: Lake Hajigabul

Hajigabul - the largest lake in the Republic of Azerbaijan. It is located in the Kur-Araz Lowland, south-west of Baku, in Adzhikabulskom district, near the city of Shirvan. To get to the lake is very convenient as it passes near the railroad. The lake was formed due to the natural waste of the Caspian Sea in certain geological period.

Of course, by Russian standards, Hajigabul - a small lake. Its maximum width is 3 km, and the maximum length - 6 km. Yes, and not very deep - its maximum depth is 5 m. The total area of ​​the lake Hajigabul approximately 1668 hectares. The lake is fed by the waters of the river special channel Kura. Average water temperature varies-from 5 to 28 °, 5 °. With regard to the transparency of water, it is in the range 0, 06-2, 5 m.

The lake caught fish such as the carp, pike, barbel, carp, pike and catfish. Spring flooding river Kura significantly increase the area of ​​the lake. However, the quality of the catch is not affected. From aquatic plants in the lake are widespread bulrush, cattail, reeds, hornwort and water buttercup. In winter, Hajigabul Lake does not freeze, so here you can see a huge number of different species of migratory birds.

About the name of Lake Hajigabul there are many disputes. Maybe the lake was named after one of the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca. According to another version, the root of the name comes from the Turkic word "Aji", which means "bitter." Lakes with the names of this kind are very common in these parts. For example, Aji-Darya in the west of Turkmenistan, Aji-Nour in the southern slopes of the Caucasus, as well as many wells - Adzhigirey and Yargadzhi, Aji-kuyu, Kenadzhi and Adzhilma.

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