Hill Pnyx
   Photo: Hill Pnyx

Pnyx - a short and small area rocky hill, surrounded by a park. It is located in the center of Athens, just a kilometer from the western slope of the Acropolis and a half kilometers from Syntagma Square.

Back in 507 BC Athenians gather here to hold public meetings, so this hill can be considered the earliest and most important place of establishment of democracy. Such a meeting was called ecclesia (the highest organ of state power, the national assembly in ancient Greece). Typically, the number of participants was 5-6 thousand, but in making the most important decisions was about 10-15 thousand people.

Already in ancient Greece, public meetings were guided by three fundamental democratic principles. The first principle "isigoriya" giving equal rights and opportunity for citizens to express their views on matters of policy. Each meeting began with the chairman of the phrase, "Who wants to talk? ". The second principle "isonomiya" - is equality before the law. The third principle "isopolitiya" meant equal rights to vote and be elected to the possibility of any member of the congregation.

Despite the fact that, in theory, all citizens are equal and have the right to say, in practice only a small number of citizens spoke and proposed concrete actions. The reason for this was the fact that a citizen, propose any action in the future could be prosecuted if his offer deem illegal or those that can cause damage to the city. There was a rule that citizens over 50 years old have the right to be heard first.

It has survived oratorical Tribune Bem. Behind her in ancient times stood Pericles, Aristides, Alcibiades, Themistocles, Demosthenes and other famous personalities.

The first excavations on the hill were started in 1910 by the Greek archaeological society and finally confirmed that this is a hill Pnyx. In 1930 and 1937 it has been carried out more extensive excavations. It was found the altar of Zeus (just outside the Bemoy) and the Sanctuary of Zeus. Rather, they were discovered only base themselves constructions have not survived.

On one of the slopes of the Pnyx was a prison. She is famous for the fact that here was a prisoner one of the most famous ancient Greek philosopher Socrates.

Today the hill Pnyx is under the control of the Ministry of Culture of Greece.

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