St. Peter's Church
   Photo: St. Peter's Church

St. Peter's Church - the parish church in the village of Ardingli, Sussex, United Kingdom. The present building dates from the XIV century, but the church has existed on this place much earlier.

Settlement Ardingli appeared in Saxon times, and in the XI century, the Normans built a church on the hill .  Probably (but not yet confirmed by documents) that at this point there was a Saxon church buildings or dosaksonskoy .  In the VII century, after conversion of the Saxons to Christianity, it was built the set of wooden thatched churches .  About Norman church of the XI century, little is known .  By the XIV century trade flourished in Ardingli wool, and residents could afford to build a new church .  It was built between 1330 and 1350, in the then dominant style of decorated Gothic, and of the original Norman church almost nothing left .  The massive stone tower was added to the church at the beginning of the XV century .  Unusually, no spire on the tower, but it can be explained by the fact that the tower served a defensive function, or served as a signal tower .  The tower has a height of 15 meters square in the base 3, 7 m 3 7 m, and the thickness of the walls is 1 to 2 m .  Oak staircase leads upstairs, preserved since the construction of the tower .  In the XVIII century the tower had two bells . 

Restoration of old churches was typical of the Victorian era, and some changes were made and the church of St. Peter. Former altar barrier was moved to the tower, replaced the bench, chair and gallery updated. In 1853 came the first in the church body. At the end of the XIX century during the restoration work and excavations it was discovered column capital, dating to the XII century - that is all that remains of the Norman church built, though perhaps some of the stone blocks in the southern wall of the same origin. Some windows are preserved fragments of medieval stained glass.

Near the church is the old cemetery, where you can find ancient and unusual tombstones.

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