Villa Thuret Botanical Garden
   Photo: Botanical Garden Villa Thuret

Park Villa Thuret is one of the first and most famous botanical gardens on the French Riviera. In the middle of the XIX century, this park created by Gustave Thuret, the famous biologist who dedicated his academic career algology - the science that studies algae.

Gustave Thuret lived abroad as a French attache, and then traveled the world and France. In order to be closer to the object of his research, he settled on the coast - first in Cherbourg, and then in 1857 in Antibes, where he built a villa and several acres of land broke a botanical garden. The seeds of some plants he expelled from other countries fellow scientists, and local residents dubbed algology "crazy nerd." From Antibes Gustave Thuret went for studies to the north of France, in particular, on the shore of the English Channel.

The park was created by scientists not only aesthetic, but also for scientific purposes, as he was interested in the question of acclimatization of plants and the creation of an evergreen garden. So in Antibes it was rare for these places eucalyptus, cypress and palm trees. Garden immediately became a local landmark, and it remains to this day. Guests attracted by the opportunity to stroll through the shady alleys, surrounded by tropical plants and trees neobhvatnymi, see the beautiful rose garden.

Currently, the botanical garden, there are about 1,600 species of trees and shrubs imported from South Africa, Australia, the south of North America, China, Japan, New Zealand, and from the shores of the Mediterranean. Every year in the park are planted between 50 and 100 new species of plants. The park is about 3, 5 hectares. Today, the park managed by the National Institute of Agronomic Research, and in honor of the founder of the park on one of its alleys is a bust of Gustave Thuret.

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