   Photos: Jerash

The ancient city of Jerash in Jordan takes almost second most popular tourist destination after Petra. People constantly live in this place for 6500 years.

Jerash is located in a valley surrounded by wooded hills and fertile valleys. Conquered by General Pompey in 63 BC. e., Jerash passed to the Romans, and was included in the Decapolis (Decapolis).

The golden age of the city came under Roman rule - when it was known as Gerasa. Jerash today recognized as one of the best preserved Roman provincial towns in the world. For centuries, the city was hidden under tons of sand - excavation began only 70 years ago. Jerash - a magnificent example of a provincial Roman town planning, examples of which can be found throughout the Middle East. For this style is characterized by cobbled streets with colonnades, majestic temples in the hills, magnificent amphitheatres, large city squares, baths, fountains and massive city walls with towers and gates.

Under this Greco-Roman Jerash shell keeps exquisite blend of Eastern and Western cultures. Its architecture, religion and languages, traces of collision and interpenetration of the two led / ikih cultures - Greco-Roman Mediterranean culture and traditions of the Arab East.

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