Waterfall Jur-Jur
   Photo: Waterfall Jur-Jur

In the gorge Hapgal the territory of Alushta region is the most full-flowing waterfall Crimea - Jur-Jur. It is very rugged and picturesque waterfall, whose name is translated from Armenian means "water-water". Jur-Jur not never dry, even in the dry season. The waterfall is formed by the waters of the river Ulu Uzen, which descends trehskatnomu threshold with hundred-meter wide and five-meter height with a threshold of fifteen natural limestone ledge falls into a pit deep enough, and then a flood seeks further down the winding river bed.

Jur-Jur, or as it was called in the Middle Ages Greeks Kremasto Nero, which means "hanging water" is the value of having a republican nature sanctuary. There gloomy weird, beautiful nature: rise up to the sky slopes steep wooded gorges around the waterfall lies a pile of stones covered with moss and moist air is constantly filled with splashing water drops. Splashes of water form a weightless veil of mist that vibrates, shaking the trees growing here unique. Here you can meet a proud hornbeam, centuries-old oak tree, the beautiful linden, dogwood, rowan, hazel, and the cliff above the waterfall from the rock crevices grow cheerful, proud yew.

Streams waterfall murmuring, slide down and breaking into a thousand fragments of water is converted into ice water spray dust in the fog which plays a bright rainbow. This unusual sight just fascinates his fairy-tale beauty: illuminated sunlight foamy water jets, murmuring, falling from high, greenish mossy rocks, and all this against the backdrop of gloomy, rugged mountains.

In the gorge you can climb even higher and about a kilometer to see amazing series of picturesque rapids, cascades, of which the most beautiful are the first and the last, whose height is 30 and 60 m., Respectively.

Not far from the waterfall is interesting caves Jur-Jur, whose length is almost 800 meters and a depth of 22 meters. The cave is surrounded by an old forest preserve its ancient beeches and hornbeams, which are perfectly in harmony with the surrounding mountain cliffs.

Water flows Jur-Jur and Hapgal Gorge is one of the unique hydrological reserves Crimea and just amazingly beautiful place to visit is, each will leave in your heart only the good memories.

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