Preserve "Devil's Balls"
   Photography Preserve "Devil's Balls"

At 114 km from the town of Tennant Creek (Northern Territory) The reserve is located the mysterious "Devil's Balls" - the accumulation of huge round granite boulders, scattered in disarray on a wide and shallow valley. Granite, which consist of the Evil Balls, formed millions of years ago as a result of solidification of magma in the earth's surface. And then in the case entered the water and the wind for thousands of years carved it amazing form stones. Due to the dramatic change in day and night temperatures in Central Australia, boulders expand and contract during the day. Sometimes this leads to the fact that they crumble and even disintegrate to pieces.

The local natives call these oval boulders "Karl Karl" - dangerous balancing on each other, they are sacred for the indigenous people of Central Australia site. The people of the tribe "kayteti" believe that these boulders - nothing else like eggs mystical rainbow snake, the progenitor of mankind. They also relate other stories about the creation of the world, of which only the natives can tell the uninitiated. Despite the fact that over time many ceremonies and rituals associated with the devil balls were lost, this place still has great significance for the Aboriginal people and is considered one of the oldest religious sites in the world.

In 1953, one of the Devil Balls was taken to Alice Springs, to create a monument to the memory of John Flynn, founder of the Royal Service "Flying Doctor". Then it was thought that it would perpetuate its relationship with the Australian Outback, but later began to have serious debate on this issue, as the stone was taken from the sacred Aboriginal place without their permission. Only in the late 1990s, the stone cleaned and returned to its original place. And at the grave Flynn established a similar, given the people of the tribe "arrernte."

In 2008, the Conservation Service Parks and Wildlife Northern Territory back territory "Devil's Balls" in the possession of the indigenous inhabitants of these places, but the reserve is under the joint authority of the Service and representatives of Aboriginal communities.

Today the Reserve all year is visited by thousands of tourists because of its accessibility and well developed infrastructure: the territory laid several hiking trails, information boards, organized picnic areas. From May to October, park rangers organize events and performances, attracting visitors from all over the country and other parts of the world.

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