Moni Island
   Photo: The Island Moni

Saronic Gulf in the south-west coast of the Greek island of Aegina is a small uninhabited island of Moni. The only permanent residents of this protected corner are wild birds and animals (goats, deer, peacocks, etc.), which, however, are so used to tourists that gladly regale out of hand, if you do not forget to stock up on some treats for them.

The stunning beauty of the island of Moni unspoilt scenery, crystal-clear coastal waters and feeling of oneness with nature lovers are attracted to the island of silence and solitude. In the northern part of the island in a small cozy bay, which is usually moored boats, it has a good sandy beach. In the holiday season on the beach are two small taverns where you can eat, or rent sun umbrellas and sun loungers. The most popular island among fans of diving and fishing.

Those who like long walks can take a fascinating tour of the island and climb to the highest point of the island, with stunning panoramic views. True worth in advance to take care of comfortable shoes, hat from the sun and sufficient supply of drinking water. At the top is well-preserved old bunker is equipped with the Germans during the Second World War in order to control the port of Piraeus.

To get to the island of Moni easy. During the summer period (May to September) from the port of a small fishing town on the island of Aegina Perdika (located directly opposite the island of Moni) regularly runs a pleasure boat. The journey takes approximately 10-15 minutes. You can also rent a boat in Perdika and make a trip to the island of Moni own.

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