Al Bahar Towers
   Photo: Al Bahar Towers

Al Bahar Towers - dvadtsatipyatietazhny complex, located in the east of Abu Dhabi. These two majestic twin towers, which today are a gateway to the east of the city, were built more recently - in 2012. In the guise of well-connected installations proven for centuries the tradition of Arabic architecture and modern technological solutions. Construction of the complex involved in the company Aedas Architects in collaboration with the British developer Arup Engineers. Together they have designed and built an extraordinary façade, preserving the traditions of Arab architecture and design. In the words of the architects, their main task was to keep cool in the summer, the temperature in the premises of the complex, reducing the use of a huge number of air conditioners.

A new and rather unusual grid facade "wraps" the exterior walls of skyscrapers Al-Bahar, except one - the north. On three sides closed with decorative facades panels, each of which consists of a so-called mobile module. When exposed to sunlight, the panels open, thereby forming on the facade towers kind of relief. If the lighting changes, the panel will automatically close, creating a beautiful modern openwork pattern. It should be noted that in parallel with the reduction of 50% penetration of solar heat facilities, grid facade provides free ventilation of buildings and reduce the need for artificial lighting. This enabled the builders to improve the comfort of employees in the ADIC, applying the tinted windows.

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