Museum of nature in the village of Borok
   Photo: Museum of nature in the village of Borok

One of the most notable museums of Yaroslavl Region is the famous Museum of Nature is located in the small village of Borok. Its foundation was in 1949 with the participation of Ivan Papanin. On the creation of the collection I was working taxidermist and a great hunter Vasily Averkiev. Despite the fact that the village is remote from several nearby communities, it went even to the benefit of the museum, after gathering the necessary information is held in these places. According to studies in the Yaroslavl region was found 352 species of vertebrates, while most of them are represented in the museum exhibition - a white stork, white-tailed eagle, goshawk, a large snowy owl and many other nesting in the Yaroslavl region.

The largest number of museum exhibits are rather peculiar history, for example, elk stag-8-year-olds, lynx cub, calf, which were found during the raids at 17 km from the village in 1983.

An important element of the exhibition is a paleontological collection, which was collected during the digging of the channel from the village and up the Volga in zemsnaryadnom ground. The collection even includes the lower jaw of a large woolly rhinoceros, a piece of mammoth tusk, as well as the remains of the vertebrae and ribs massive vertebrates.

Since 1988, when he died Averkiev VV, he joined as head of his close friend - Sorin Albert Anisimovich.

The exposition area of ​​the museum is 150 square meters, and all the space is divided into five separate rooms. The most spacious rooms occupied for presenting collections related to the systematic groups - families, companies, and individuals. One of the rooms is decorated in a phenological, and by the small room - a workshop.

Going into the department, which displays cold-blooded animals, you can get acquainted with the local fish, reptiles and amphibians. It was revealed that in the Yaroslavl region has 42 species of fish, 28 of which are displayed in the exposition. Among the extinct species can mention the sturgeon, white sturgeon, whitefish and sturgeon, while on the verge of extinction are sturgeon. For exotic specimens include: shovelnose, paddlefish, Caribbean pike, Hammerhead, dolgoper, sticking, seahorse, sea trout and needle. The total amount presented in the museum, "fish" of copies is 60.

The second room is called phenology, because it presented more than 65 exhibits in accordance with all the seasons, from the arrival of rooks and ending with the change of summer cover for the winter. The story begins with the arrival of rooks theme, grouse and hare, squirrels who completed the spring molt. Then he tells of tokuyuschem snipe, woodcock and nesting lapwings - all located in the glass cases. In the area dedicated to the summer period, presented coot, the cuckoo, the corncrake, broad-billed sandpiper and others. Here you can see the lapwing chicks and dive.

In another department, you can see a bear, whose age is 4 years, a large wild boar, 7-year-old stag-moose and a small calf. Available with large animals niche decorated forest habitats, strictly related to the animal. Then you can see 4 species of woodpecker, mammalian predators submitted caress, mink, ermine, marten, raccoon dogs and foxes. Then presented five fish and hare hare and flying squirrels. The review concludes with a small wardrobe collection predatory owls.

In the central part of the room are arranged showcases, equipped with a rich collection of passerine birds, terns, gulls, and gluharkoy and capercaillie. On the wall panels are located: herring gull, northern goshawk, as well as large boa skin, the length of which is 4 m.

All presented in the museum exhibits found in the surrounding area within a radius of 18 km. It is important to say that in recent years, the fauna of this region is much poorer, because of which many species we are not seeing.

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