Museum FG Solntseva in the village of Borok
   Photo: Museum of FG Solntseva in the village of Borok

Museum FG Solntsev is located in the village of Borok, Yaroslavl region. It was organized April 26, 2002, it was officially opened on April 27, 2004.

Fedor Solntsev, architect, artist, historian, was a great expert in the art of archeology, led by well-known publication "Antiquities of the Russian state."

FG Solntsev was born to a fortress near the village of Rybinsk Upper Nikulskoe Yaroslavl region in the estate of Count Musin-Pushkin. His father, Gregory Kondratievich Solntsev, and his mother, Elizabeth Frolovna. They had four sons and one daughter. The younger brother of Theodore G. - Yegor Solntsev was also a renowned artist. Count Musin-Pushkin noticed endowments boy and freed them from bondage family. This enabled the young Fyodor Solntsev arrive in 1815 at the Academy of Fine Arts.

In 1824, after the end of the academic course, Fedor Solntsev for the painting "Peasant Family" was awarded a small gold medal, and in 1827 - a gold medal for the painting "Let us give Caesar what is Caesar, and God of gods."

In 1830, on the highest order of Venison Fyodor was sent to Moscow and other cities in order to portray the ancient customs, clothing, weapons, church and royal utensils and other items. Sun create at this time more than 3,000 drawings, sketches, which have a high level of detail. They were images of historic everyday objects, icons, buildings, clothing, weapons, armor, and so on. D. About 700 sketches formed the basis for the publication "Antiquities of the Russian State", which was conceived by reindeer and sold after his death Nicholas I (circulation was 600 copies ).

In 1836, Fyodor Solntsev was promoted to Academician. Sun is also involved in the restoration and painting of many Russian churches.

The museum's collection of FG Solntseva includes 498 items. This museum was created in Borok on the results of the scientific conference devoted to the life and work of academician of painting Solntseva general solution participating in the conference and the Administration IBIW RAS.

The museum is located in the spacious halls of the building, standing in the center of Bork. The museum has an exposition of rare objects of peasant life. It is among such things, and spent his childhood of the famous artist. Exhibition of noble living room as it is the background for the next phase of the artist's life - his life in St. Petersburg. The largest room is dedicated to the artist directly. Here are the different directions of his creative activity. As part of the exhibition visitors to the museum can see the artist's work, photographs, archival documents and portraits of his relatives. The upper tier is occupied with the Grand Kremlin Palace and the Terem Palace, which for over ten years working as a designer Fyodor interiors and restorer. In the exhibition hall of the museum exhibitions of artists of different areas of art.

Guided tours on the life and work of the artist-archaeologist, as well as the history of peasant life and a tour entitled "In the pages of old books." Each year, the museum holds a small Morozovsk reading, organizes lectures on the history and art of Bork excursions. Every year from April 25 to 27 are held scientific conference titled "Solntsevsky read."

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