Armenian Church
   Photo: Armenian Church

Yalta Armenian church began to build in 1909 and its construction was completed in 1914. Armenian architect Gabriel Ter-Mikelyanu in 1905. The project was commissioned by the church. Sketches of construction and interior decoration of the building is occupied by famous Armenian painter and theater artist Vardges Surenyants. The church was erected at the expense of Baku oil Boghos Levon Ter-Ghukasyan. He built a church in memory of his deceased daughter. His daughter left early in life and was buried in the family vault, which was at the base of the church. Later in the tomb were buried, and his two sons. As the legend says, one of the sons svёl scores with life itself, losing at cards is quite a large sum, and the other was killed in unknown circumstances.

Yalta Armenian church was constructed in the tradition in which the early Christian churches were built, and resembles an ancient temple Hripsime in Echmiadzin. The architect based his project took precisely this ancient temple. It was built Armenian church in Yalta material Foros tuff.

The main south facade of the building is decorated leading to it a hundred steps, framed pyramidal cypresses. With central staircase overlooking the majestic dome, topped with a cross. From here you can admire the beauty of the southern entrance of low arches, three-tiered loggia that adorn parts subtly incised on stone by craftsmen. On the back side of the church is its main entrance. The portal of the main entrance rotunda is crowned by graceful belfry. In the north-eastern part of the settled two arched windows, decorated with a relief depicting a cross with geometric designs. The western side of the church completes the structure rotunda-belfry of six columns. The open loggia framed backdrop made in the traditions of the Armenian architecture of 12-13 centuries.

The ground floor is intended for the tomb. It is underlined par niche, executed with finesse, and very beautiful tombs of the apse. Login niche is framed by an arch with ornament. Metal grille adorns the window tombs. It is an image of two black ravens that guard the eternal rest of the dead.

Domed hall of the Armenian Church draws an original interior. The cross-shaped plan, it is illuminated thanks to near-wall pylons twelve arched windows. The dome of the church is decorated with frescoes depicting blue and white flowers, arranged on a light-green background. Flowers like to stretch to the sun. This pattern enliven the birds of paradise.

The last refuge here and was the creator of this church - Vardges Surenyas, who died in 1921. Before the south façade of the church is his tombstone made of gray diorite.

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