Constantine and Helen monastery in Lenin
   Photo: Constantine and Helen monastery in Lenin

Constantine and Helen monastery - a new female Orthodox monastery, which is located in the village of Lenin (Happolo) in the Vyborg district, near the resorts of Komarovo and Repino.

In this village Orthodox church never was. Previously, these territories were part of the Principality of Finland, and the population professed mainly Lutheranism. The Orthodox also live in Roshchino, where was their temple.

In 1998, in the village of Lenin created the Orthodox community. Under the construction of the temple it was given to the place that is left of the burnt-out club. Construction of the temple was carried out at the expense of warden KV Goloshapova. Bookmark church of Saints Constantine and Helen took place in June 1998, and in February 1999, the temple has been installed dome. In December 1999, eight bells were raised to the belfry. In 1999, Advent held the first service in the church, and since May 2000 is constantly being worship. In 2001, the temple was consecrated Patriarch Alexy.

For several years, the temple functioned as a parish. In 2006. on the petition of Metropolitan Vladimir of St. Petersburg at the meeting of the Holy Synod, it was decided to open in the village of Lenin Constantine and Helen Nunnery. Abbess became a nun Hilarion. The first sisters arrived from the Novodevichy Convent of St. Petersburg.

Now the monastery has three churches: the temple Constantine and Helen, baptismal Church of the Nativity and the Church of St. Nicholas. Shrine of St. Nicholas Church are the relics of St. Nicholas, Spyridon Trifunskogo, Anthony Dymsky, Panteleimon, Alexander Nevsky, St. Seraphim of Sarov. In addition to these shrines in the monastery of the Ark with relics of Constantine and Helen, the Apostle Bartholomew, Mary Magdalene, the Holy Martyr Haralambos, Martyr Theodore Stratelates; Head student Julitta and other saints, a part of the Tree of the Cross. Especially here revered Iberian Mother of God, which was written in Mount Athos in 2002, the icon of the Mother of God "Vsetsaritsa" Athos and letters, as well as the ancient image of St. Nicholas, transferred to the monastery as a gift VV Putin icon nerukotvorennogo Image Lord Vasnetsov.

At the entrance to the sculpture of St. Nicholas Church of St. Nicholas, which gave the monastery Z .  Tsereteli .  Opposite the church of Constantine and Helena - another sculpture - the figure of St. Alexander Nevsky (sculptor A . Charkin) .  This sculpture was nominated for the contest A monument .  Nevsky on the area near Alexander Nevsky Lavra .  But in the contest won another job .  Near the monument to Alexander Nevsky - plaques with the names of those killed in the battles of 1941-45 .  wars and other villagers .  May 9 locals gather near the memorial, a memorial service for the dead .  The monastery Sunday school also built a hospice for elderly priests and ecclesiastical .  In the monastery take the children from Sunday school, pilgrims disabled trudnits the blessing of their parish priests .  In the monastery come by appointment to groups of thirty people .  Pilgrims are provided with accommodation and meals .

In St. Petersburg in 2007 acts farmstead Constantine and Helen monastery - temple of St. Andrew of Crete (Riga, etc..). And recently appeared at the temple and another courtyard - in Lintula (pos. The lights, the Vyborg district). Holy Trinity Monastery was built by the landowners Neronova the blessing of John Krondshtadtskogo. In 1939, during the Russo-Finnish War, he was evacuated to Finland, where he continues to exist. But now, at the historic site in Lintula initiated the revival of the old monastery, is working on the drafting of the church and monastic cells premises. August 4, 2008 to the former Lintula of Constantine and Yelena monastery was established ten-Procession.

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