Believers Holy Intercession prayer house
   Photo: Old Believers Holy Intercession prayer house

In Naujininkai, at the intersection of Tuzenhauzu and Nauyininku next to the only Old Believers cemetery in Vilnius is Old Believers Holy Intercession prayer house.

In 1825, two merchants and Old Believer Avidabursky Novikov bought land in this place and built at his own expense a small wooden house of worship. The house was the usual, the type of houses, only the roof was installed Old Believer cross. The house was used as a house of prayer for the funeral of the dead. In 1835 the Old Believer community O.Andreev mentor, who lived here in the house, got permission to perform services on holidays. The building periodically repair and restoration work. In 1870, the merchant Yegorov has allocated funds for the expansion of the chapel and built a separate house for the teacher.

In 1880, Vilnius merchant Lomonosov received permission for the construction of a stone building. A new stone building, erected in the years 1882-1886, was officially called an almshouse. In 1901, the merchant Pimonov allocated funds for a complete renovation of the interior poorhouse. Soon brick bell tower was built, and was installed on the roof of the dome. The project was developed by the author, who remains unknown. Before pimonovskoy reconstruction of the building was used as a hospice for elderly parishioners. After the reconstruction of the building was granted the status of prayer church Old Believer community.

Since 1970, the temple was repeatedly repaired and restored. The old heating system was replaced by a new, more modern. Were reinforced ceilings are covered with marble tile floors, landscaped area nearby, repave domes.

The temple is famous for being here carried out repeatedly Old Believer churches. Pomeranian ancient Orthodox Church organized the cathedral there are three: in 1966, 1974 and 1988. These churches have become a significant event for all pomortsev that time. This church was visited and A.Pimonov, S.Egupenok, I.Egorov.

The temple is made in the Russian national architectural style, with elements of Neo-Classicism. The structure of rectangular, symmetrical gable roof. On the west side of the building space is divided transept. Temple has four doors. The main entrance is located on the west side and passes through the bell arch.

The structure is made mostly of brick, plastered walls. The eastern facade is decorated with three tall windows, rounded at the top. On the lateral facades there are five windows, built between horizontal stripes adorning the walls and attached constructions surround view. A ll windows are bordered by white pilasters. Above each of them built one triangular pediments in the classical style. The corners of the building are decorated with pilasters, too white.

High, dvadtsatipyatimetrovaya bell tower adjacent to the western facade. It has three tiers. The two lower tiers, directly adjacent to the front of the temple square. Upper level rises above the level of the basic design and is shaped like an octagon. Over the octagon has a large bulbous dome with eight-pointed cross. On the roof near the east facade there is another dome. It is set on a low octagonal tower, equipped with "lamp" and crowned with the same eight-pointed cross. Both the dome decorated with innovative features.

The interior of the church - a large room, decorated with a variety of valuable icons. Great interest and iconostasis, set on a small hill, close to the middle of the room. After all the side windows, the light of day passes, which is concentrated in the center of the room, filling it with light. On the second floor of the hall is arranged an open gallery, with space for the choir. The walls of the room is richly ornamented. Body decorated with stucco depicting the eight-pointed cross.

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