   Photo: Vergina

Vergina - a small Greek town in Central Macedonia (Imathia prefecture). It is situated at the foot of Mount Pieria, at an altitude of 120 m above sea level, about 13 km from Veria and 85 km from Thessaloniki. Archaeological excavations near Vergina was proved that it is here in ancient times was the first capital of the Macedonian kingdom - Ega.

The territory of modern Vergina has been inhabited since the early Bronze Age (3rd millennium BC), and for many centuries dynamically grow and prosper. The ancient city is Egi played an important role in world history and became a cult center for the Macedonian state. Despite the fact that in the 4th century BC Ancient Macedonian capital was moved to Pella, Egi retained the status of the holy city and the tombs of the Macedonian kings. Perhaps the reason for that was a legend which says that the ruling dynasty come to an end as soon as one of the kings will appease us outside the city. Maybe it's just a coincidence, but after the death of Alexander the Great, really great power collapsed.

The first excavations in the area were started by French archaeologists in 1861, during which were discovered part of the once magnificent palace complex and the ancient cemetery. For some reason, the work was stopped and resumed only in part in 1937, but again abandoned in the early 1940s due to the outbreak of war with Italy. Large-scale archaeological excavations were begun in the 1950s.

His city has received worldwide fame in 1977, when the famous Greek archaeologist Manolis Andronikos discovered in the vicinity of numerous royal tombs of Vergina, including a special sensation produced perfectly preserved tomb of the famous Philip II (father of Alexander the Great) with many unique ancient artifacts. Although most of the tombs looted long ago, a huge interest and facilities themselves are a fine example of ancient architecture. Unique and stunning colorful murals that adorn the tombs.

In general, the archaeological site was discovered many ancient relics that are of great historical and artistic value - gorgeous jewelry, various items of gold and silver, household utensils, ceramics, armor, weapons and other funerary artifacts. But undoubtedly the most important archaeological discovery is considered to be the golden casket, which is believed to contain the remains of the Macedonian king Philip II.

Archaeological Museum, opened in 1993 in Vergina, in some way unique. Razed during the excavation of burial mound artificially restored, thus forming a sort of underground bunker, where it is constantly supported optimum temperature and humidity, and where you can see ancient burial chambers, and in a special room and the present king's treasures. Some of the relics found in excavations, kept in the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki.

Today, Vergina is one of the most important archaeological sites in Greece and is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. In terms of importance the ancient Macedonian necropolis almost as good as the famous Mycenaean tombs.

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