Yuriev Monastery
   Photo: Yuriev Monastery

Monastery of the Holy Martyr, and Wonderworker George the Victorious, traditionally referred to as the St. George's Monastery, is one of the oldest monasteries not only the Novgorod diocese, but throughout Russia. It was founded in 1030 by Russian prince Yaroslav the Wise.

The majestic St. George's Cathedral is second in size only to St. Sophia Novgorod, was founded in 1119 at the behest of Prince Mstislav the Great. The modern face of St George's Cathedral is close enough to the original. The interior of the church reflects its character and purpose of the main church of the monastery, while the princely church. For a stay of the prince and his family have been arranged large choirs, where there are two chapels - the Annunciation of the Blessed and holy martyrs Boris and Gleb. Since the end of the XII century Cathedral of St. George monastery served as the final resting place of not only the abbots of the monastery, but the Russian princes and Novgorod mayor.

Shortly before the consecration of the cathedral, its walls were painted; but unfortunately, the ancient fresco painting is almost completely lost, preserved only small fragments of ornamental decorations window slopes in the bulk of the cathedral and painting small temple, located in the north-west tower.

The complex structures of the monastery of St. George, and today seems grandiose, but it is not yet fully restored. It includes a 52-meter high bell tower, and five buildings: the East, with a grim prison cell; Southern - the church burning bush; Arhimandritsky - Spassky Cathedral, under wraps which were buried Bishop Photios and A.A.Orlova-Cesme; over the North bell tower; and from the east to adjoin the church and Holy Cross Cathedral.

Holy Cross Cathedral with blue domes situated in the north-west corner of the monastery grounds. It was built in 1759-1763 gg. when Archimandrite Ioanniky I. The church was supposed to sanctify the name of Gabriel of Pskov, but because not enough resources to the device of the iconostasis, the church has not been consecrated. In 1810 the church was seriously damaged by fire several years was in ruins. In 1823-1826 gg. Novgorod province architect N. Efimov was drafted to restructure the unconsecrated church and follow the appropriate operation. Temple consecrated Archimandrite Photius in the name of the Exaltation of the Cross.

In the years after the revolution Yuriev Monastery shared the fate of all Russian monasteries. In 1922, the confiscation of church valuables had a character shameless looting of the monastery, were melted shot with icons vestments, silver shrine of St. Teoctist, liturgical vessels. Only a small part of the property became the property of Russian museum collections. A few years later, in 1929, the monastery was finally closed, the surviving brothers dispersed. Yuriev monastery was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church December 25, 1991. Since 1995, St. George was resumed monastic cloister.

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