Serranos Gate
   Photo: Serranos Gate

Serranos Gates are one of only two surviving ancient city gate, which can be named one of the main attractions of Valencia. This is a big, powerful and majestic building was built by architect Pere Balaguer in the years 1392-1398. Built in the Gothic style, the gate Serranos thought originally as a military installation and had to protect the city from the incursions of the enemy, but more often they are used for official ceremonies and the proclamation of the will of the royal power.

The towers are built of stone and limestone, connected by a gallery-wall with arched entrance and decorated with patterns and reliefs made in the Gothic style. On the tops of the towers are observation platforms with fences, with a wonderful view of the city and its surroundings. The facade facing the city, there are large holes in the form of arches, once served as tribunes.

In 1865 it was decided to demolish the city walls, some of which are gates and towers Serranos. They left because since the 16th century until 1887, the building towers were used as a prison for nobles and knights. During the Spanish Civil War the tower was used as a repository for valuable museum works and exhibits.

At the moment the gates and towers of Serranos are playing a major role in the exciting Valencian tradition - it is with them announce the start of the most important in the life of the city festival, which is known as "Las Falas."

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