Museum of Church Art
   Photo: Museum of Church Art

Museum of Church Art is located in the walls of the cathedral, located on the square Almoyna in Valencia. This museum is the oldest museum of the city. Its foundation dates back to 1761 year. Museum of Church Art, also known as the Duomo, or the Diocesan Cathedral of Valencia, a large collection of holy relics, presented in the main relics of many saints. One of the major religious sites of the museum are relics of the hand of the holy martyr Vicente, who lived in the 4th century. The Cathedral is the remains of the Patriarch, and many other bishops, the relics of many saints and martyrs that have not shown to the public. In addition, there are stored papal relics and the relics of the royal family, princes and prelates, as well as documents, items of clothing. The museum's collection also features wooden images, paintings and silverware on church themes.

Museum of church art is also famous for the works of outstanding artists who are here. It masterpieces by authors such as Goya, Pagibonsi, Celine, as well as paintings and Vicente Massipa Juan de Zhuanesa. In sufficient quantities also presents canvases Valencian school XV-XVII centuries. The pride of the museum are rightly Goya painting "Farewell San Francis Borgia" and "Condemned".

But the greatest value Bowl is recognized by the Pope and the Catholic Church throughout the Holy Grail. The cup is to the right of the entrance to the cathedral, in the chapel of Santo Calis. Bowl is on a special pedestal, surrounded by beautiful bas-reliefs, made by Italian craftsmen. Holy Grail annually attracts crowds of pilgrims and tourists.

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