   Photo: Kiomonte

Kiomonte - a commune in the province of Turin in the Italian territory of the Val di Susa. This is perhaps the most important center of the valley, is also a ski resort. Kiomonte along with several other villages of Piedmont - now the kingdom of skiing, a paradise for all lovers of this sport! In the town perfectly developed infrastructure - there are hotels, restaurants, bars and souvenir shops.

Despite the active development of tourism, Kiomonte kept the appearance of an ancient town, which is so attractive for visitors from all over the world .  In addition to the dozens of kilometers of ski slopes and modern ski lifts, there are a lot of other attractions - medieval town center, art galleries and interesting archaeological museum .  The latter was opened in the year 2004 and introduces visitors to the history of these places from the times of the Late Neolithic (5th millennium BC . e . ) To the 4th century BC . e .  Culture and everyday life of the first inhabitants of this "land between the mountains" is presented in the expositions of the museum with the help of artifacts discovered in the vicinity Kiomonte .  Among the oldest objects on display in the museum - pottery, stone tools, fragments of houses and gravestones, which is about 6000 years old! All these finds were made during archaeological excavations carried out in 1986-1992-m respectively .  It deserves special attention consists of sarcophagi and necropolis tomb woman Celtic period .  It is adjacent to the museum area of ​​the archaeological site, which gives a unique opportunity - to see many artifacts at the site of their direct detection . 

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