Uzhgorod Museum of Art
   Photo: Uzhgorod Museum of Art

Uzhgorod Art Museum - is one of the centers of culture and art of the Transcarpathian region. The museum is housed in a former Uzhgorod zhupanata - the residence of the city or regional chapter. This two-story building held various cultural events, meetings and dances. It was here in 1919 it was decided to join Transcarpathia to Czechoslovakia.

His more than half-century history museum began in 1945, when the premises of Uzhgorod castle opened exhibition Zemsky art gallery. Over time, the museum funds, actively replenished from private collections and museums of Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Odessa, Kharkiv, Lviv, required new premises. Therefore, in 1979, an art museum was moved out of the castle in the spacious premises of the city zhupanata where it is located today.

In 1990 the museum was named head of the Transcarpathian school of painting - USSR People's Artist, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Arts of the USSR Joseph Bokshay.

In the department of Russian art 19 - 20 Art. presents works by Ivan Aivazovsky, O. Kiprensky, Ivan Shishkin, V. Tropinin. Ukrainian Art 17-20 Art. are creations of unknown painters, paintings Shevchenko, Krutovsky K., A. and S. Murashko Vasilkovskaja. A special place in the museum exhibition devoted to the works of masters of the Carpathian - F. Manaylo, Bokshay J., E. and H. Gluck Kontratovich. Also in the museum are stored magnificent works of French and Dutch painters of 17th - 18th century. The pride of the art museum is the largest in Ukraine collection of regional school of painting known as "Transcarpathian".

Today Uzhgorod Museum of Art named after I. Bokshay has more than 5,000 exhibits.

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