Ulm City Hall
   Photo: Ulm City Hall

The first historical mention of the building, which is today known as the Ulm city hall, refers to the distant 1370. Then, this building was built for trading purposes. The first was built the north wing, which, unfortunately, has not come down to the present day, and there only in old drawings and floor plans. Ground floor of the building for many years was used as a prison. After a while, in 1838, was attached to the building of another wing of the house and came to be called "The House of the Court." Well, as the town hall building is referred to only a century later, in 1419.

Until today of the oldest buildings in good state of preservation southern wing, the hallmark of which is an interesting form of a stepped gable. In 1520 there was a significant event for the town hall: it was installed the most modern for that time of astronomical clock, which was destined to remain in the memory of the century. But that's not all: on the east facade of the clock were installed glass, solar, which are also perfectly preserved to this day. In 1540, the reconstruction of the building, which was completed during another front, the north, the hallmark of which are arcades.

Ulm Town Hall is famous for its frescoes: eastern facade is decorated with interesting and instructive scenes from the Old Testament, as well as stories, anyway pointing to human vices and virtues. And here's another facade - north - richly decorated with mythological scenes, the main purpose of which is the glorification of justice, the triumph of male power. The author of the frescoes is a local artist Martin Schaffner.

The building underwent a reconstruction is not the biggest came in the period after World War II. In the 1944 bombing damaged the building itself, and all the interior, leaving only pristine southern wing. One of the local attractions - the model of the aircraft, which has created Albrecht Ludwig Berblinger.

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