House Vows
   Photo: House Vows

Famous House Vows (Shvёrhaus) was built in the 17th century in Ulm. The whole history of the city is visible here in chronological order, that is interesting for the citizens themselves, who kept touching each fragment of past events, and to visitors to the city, which every year becomes more and more.

Over the years, the period from 14 to 19 century the area Vaynhof (wine yard) was the place for trade transactions. For example, here is the famous wine market, thanks to which, in fact, was given the name of the square. Before the wine market in the area of ​​a royal palace built in the year 854, but after its destruction was only a chapel. In 1612, at the court of the city authorities was presented to the House a draft oath that in the coming year has been translated into reality.

Since then, the current mayor of Ulm every year in one of the Mondays - Schwoermontag ("oath Monday") - from the balcony of the house says the oath. Its essence boils down to the fact that it promises to be fair, to make their decisions regardless of the welfare of the citizens, not to give preference to rich or poor, and always act within the laws of the city. The very first oath was uttered long ago, in 1397, but a good tradition continues to this day.

The modern history of the House of Oaths knew some heavy periods: the building was virtually destroyed by fire that occurred in 1785. Restoration of the building was made of old photographs. The second time the house was badly damaged during the bombing in 1944. Today Shvёrhaus - real decoration of the city, highlight its architectural style. Visit Vaynhof area is included in the route guides.

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