Historical, architectural and landscape museum "Tula Necropolis"
   Photo: History, Architecture and Landscape Museum "Tula Necropolis"

Museum "Tula Necropolis" was opened in 1998. It is the country's first provincial historical and architectural and landscape museum. The basis of the museum and the attitude of the ancient cemetery to the center of material and spiritual culture laid the oldest Tula regional specialist, doctor of theology, Archpriest Rostislav Lozinski. Under his direct leadership in the city in the late 1980s. It was formed a social movement called "Tula Necropolis" that gave then the name of the museum. The work of this movement focused on the study and recovery of old cemeteries.

At the beginning of the 1970s. the city authorities decided to combine the street Pervomayskaya and Timiryazev, hit the wall of the old cemetery of All Saints and make this place a car isolation. The plan has not yet been approved and is not canceled. In the 1980s. The Ministry of Culture to Tula experts were sent for examination and preparation of security documents of historical tombs and gravestones. This happened thanks to the efforts of Rostislav Lozinski.

Lozinski left a rich spiritual heritage - about forty works on local history and theology, saved the cemetery, the saved souls of people who owe him their spiritual revival. RR Lozinski in his youth in Estonia took part in the Russian Student Christian Movement, which contributed to the assertion of Russian national identity in exile, he supported financially and spiritually prisoners during the Nazi occupation, and in 1969 led the Tula active pastoral, social and scientific activities. Archpriest RR Lozinski buried at the Cathedral of the Twelve Apostles.

With the joint efforts of Lozinski, journalist of the newspaper "Young Communard" Moscow nekropolistov was created informal social movement "Tula Necropolis". Its members organized voluntary work every week, to clear the old tombstones of ancient cemeteries of Tula. We participated in the clean people of different professions and ages. All Saints Cemetery, thanks to the active public opinion and the activities of the movement "Tula Necropolis" managed to defend the demolition.

In April 1998, on the basis of the movement "Tula Necropolis" was established by the City Museum. The museum was founded to study, identification and preservation of historical monuments and architecture of the landscape, which focus on the old city cemetery of the city. Museum of the active work aimed at different areas of activity - field studies, working with archival documents, the regional libraries. Work is also guided activities. In parallel, the museum carries out restoration work aimed at restoring the historic burial sites updated. Museum staff are intense scientific activity that is related to scientific publications, the introduction into circulation of materials on the history and culture of Tula cemeteries.

On the territory of the necropolis is a huge number of tombstones 18-19 centuries. Of these, more than ten thousand performed at a high artistic level, they are decorated with beautiful plot and decorative and reliefs. Many of them are made of white local stone.

Museum hosts a variety of excursions. During a tour of the All Saints Cemetery, you can visit the All Saints Cathedral, the Lutheran-Catholic plot graves of Great Patriotic War, the graves of famous philanthropists and industrialists Luginin, Batashevs Dobrynin, Mosolov, relatives Chekhov, Pushkin, scientists, armourers, artists, teachers and al.

Tour includes visits to the cemetery Spassky Spassky temple with marble iconostasis, as well as cemeteries princes Nazarov samovarschika Lisitsyn and others.

During a tour of the cemetery Chulkovskomu can visit the temple D. Thessalonica, family necropolis merchants Kapyrzinyh graves AA Surnina who appeared prototype Leskov Lefty, industrialists Heat, gunsmiths Vorontsov and the graves of EE Staden, commander of the arms factory and a war hero in 1812

Also, the museum holds a night tour of the All Saints Cemetery in the summer, during which the guide reveals the mysteries of this ancient cemetery.

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