Necropolis of Pantalica
   Photo: Necropolis of Pantalica

Necropolis of Pantalica, situated in the south-east of Sicily, consists of about 5000 tombs cut in the rocks of the mountains in the valley Ibleyskih rivers Anapo and Kalchinara. Age cemetery - 2, 5 3, 5000 years. It is believed that it created Siculo - the people, which appeared in Sicily in the late Bronze Age. Today, along with the Pantalica Syracuse entered in the list of World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO.

The necropolis is located on a plateau surrounded by canyons which formed the river Anapo and Kalchinara, between the towns of Ferla and Sortino. Throughout the plateau laid a lot of hiking trails that allow visitors to experience the nature and history of these places. Before Anapo valley can be reached by a 10-kilometer trail that runs between the cities of Syracuse and Vizzini. From the road to the plateau can be rolled to the side of the Sella di Filiporto or towards the Grotta dei Pipistrelli - bat cave. The dress itself is part of the three protected areas - nature reserve "Orientata Pantalica" Valle dell 'Anapo and Cava Grande Torrente.

In the first half of the 13th century BC all coastal settlement of these places have disappeared with the advent of the various peoples inhabiting the territory of Italy in those years. The indigenous population had taken refuge in the mountains, where people could hide. According to ancient sources, in 728 BC there appeared Iblon King, who founded the colony of Megara iblea. However, the creation at the same time, the continuous growth of Syracuse and the relics of the city predestined sunset Iblona kingdom. Since then extant megalithic structure of the Palazzo del Principe, also known as Anaktoron, and the necropolis of Pantalica. The latter consists of a few cemeteries, the oldest of which is considered to be the Northwest (dates back to the 12th century BC), and the biggest - North. The other two are known as the necropolis and the necropolis Filiporto Cavett (it is also possible to see the structure of the Byzantine era).

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