Paklinski Islands
   Photo: Paklinski Islands

Paklinski Islands - a group of islands and rocks around the Dalmatian coast of the Adriatic Sea. These limestone islands are located near the town of Hvar, less than a kilometer to the south of it. Fifteen islands (Greater and Lesser Vodnyak, grass, Borovats, Parzhan, St. Clement, Vlaka, Goytsa, Dobri island Stambedar, Marinkovats, Jerolim, Planikovats, Galeshnik, late Dol) and five rocks (Big and Small Plocica, Baba Lengva and Karbun) form a chain length of about ten kilometers. The currents around the islands are strong enough, and the narrow passages, which prevents large vessels hit the beach.

The largest of the islands - St. Clement with an area of ​​94 square meters, it is also called the Great. There are three settlements: Palmizhana, Momitse Polje, Vlaka. In Palmizhane has a large, well-protected marina. The sandy beach is located in a beautiful bay surrounded by pine forest and heather fields. Since the beginning of the 20th century Palmizhana is a favorite vacation spot of inhabitants of the island of Hvar. There is a hotel, a museum and gallery. The closest to the city of Hvar Island Jerolim is named after a saint, the church which once stood here, but have long been destroyed. This island is the most loved by naturists.

Paklinski islands known as Hell. The roots of the name goes back to antiquity, when here on barren ground boiled resin is impregnated timber ships. Occupation is accompanied by a huge cloud of smoke that clouds all around. The sight reminded observers of Hell's Kitchen. However, the word "hell" and "tar" in the Croatian language written in the same way, it could also cause mass confusion about the name of these islands.

Today Paklinski Islands are one of the most popular European destinations for nudist recreation. The coastline of islands, indented by numerous bays with pebble and sandy beaches and attracts fans of diving, various water sports and underwater fishing. Between the islands water taxis ply, which gives a special charm walks. The island has restaurants, guests are treated exceptionally delicious traditional cuisine.

To reach the island, you can hire a boat or take a daily passenger ferry, departing from the town of Hvar.

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