Zookompleks "Three Bears"
   Photo: Zookompleks "Three Bears"

On the shores of picturesque Syamozero South Karelia it is one of a kind unique Zookompleks "Three Bears". Zookompleksa Work began in 2004. From ordinary zoos it differs in that it is in the Karelian forest, 60 km from the city of Petrozavodsk. Zookompleksa The territory includes an area of ​​3 hectares of untouched wild forest. Here the animals live in pens and cages, but are in the natural environment of the Karelian forest reserve. In addition, all animals received fast quality medical care, as well as real and genuine concern for workers and lovers in their business people.

In zookompleks "Three Bears" get extremely weak animals and young of various animals (most often it bears), the remaining without a mother. There are also situations when the animal arrives here as a result of an accident or hunting mayhem and lawlessness. Particularly common are situations where ruthless hunters kill bears, small young that year fall in zookompleks. The cubs are growing and constantly communicate with people, for this reason, they are not afraid to take food out of the hands. Adults and children who first arrive in zookompleks to get very powerful charge of the most joyful and positive emotions and indescribable pleasure of communicating with cheerful and friendly animals. It is for this reason zookompleks is his second name - the healing of the soul.

All the animals are in spacious enclosures, and some of them can even walk freely .  It is clear that this happens infrequently, often at a time when visitors to the site no zookompleksa .  For residents of enclosures include: moose, bears, lynx, wolves, chinchillas, raccoons, foxes, ferrets and raccoon dogs .  As with all zoos in zookomplekse "Three Bears" are the most common visitors kids .  This is understandable, since most of the animals are practically in their natural habitat, the more that they are well fed and regularly monitor the cleanliness of their content .  For these reasons, all animals are particularly moving, playful and fun .  There is an opportunity to feed the animals, if you first take a suitable food: salt, sugar, carrots or cabbage .  An experienced guide will always tell you what you can and can not provide additional forage in animals .  In particular delight visitors of the complex lead raccoons, from which can not be expected of monkey behavior, because they are very curious and tireless play and climb everywhere .  Quite a number of people and loves bears, because few places you can look at these impressive animals so close . 

Zookompeks "Three Bears" is a scientific exposition complex environmental, and his task is not constant intrusion into the wild, and to provide an opportunity to explore and see the beauty of Karelian forest and its diverse inhabitants of all residents and guests of the Karelian Republic. Based zookompleksa have the opportunity to carry out environmental education of children and youth, as well as to monitor the environment, and various representatives of the forest wildlife. "Three Bears" have the ability to protect and monitor reproduction of flora and fauna, to conduct biotechnology, regulatory and forestry activities. The indisputable value of the work done is to preserve the overall integrity, as well as the ecological balance of natural systems of natural habitats of wild fauna representatives.

On the territory of zookompleksa located: cottage on the shore of a beautiful lake, a cafe, a sandy beach, gazebo with the possibility of using fire, sauna on the lake shore. In addition, in the area of ​​the complex is Berendey tree, which is a good spirit zookompleksa. It is said that you need to put two hands on the trunk of a tree and ask about the performance of desire. But the desire to be fulfilled only if the actions and thoughts of a man are clean.

Zookompleks "Three Bears" takes visitors on a daily basis in summer and winter. The complex has all the conditions that will ensure a comfortable pastime.

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