Transfiguration Cathedral
   Photo: the Transfiguration Cathedral

Transfiguration Cathedral - one of the most magnificent temples of the city of Sumy, which is located in the center of the former fortified area, on a pedestrian street Cathedral. This old Orthodox church is a true masterpiece of 18th century masters. It harmoniously combines the three different styles - baroque, renaissance and classicism.

The first wooden Transfiguration Cathedral was built in the 60s. 18 Art. But the church was burned. After a while, the cathedral was restored and it lasted until 1776 a new stone church built over 12 years. In 1788 it held the first service. Its modern look Transfiguration Cathedral acquired after reconstruction, which was carried out in the 1882-1892 biennium. The author of the project was well-known diocesan architect MI Hunters.

For the temple it was added a new magnificent three-tiered bell tower, topped by a tower clock with dials on all four sides. Along the edges of the roof of the bell tower located three-meter sculpture of the four evangelists: Mark, John, Luke and Matthew, and on the roof of the cathedral can be seen cast iron figures of the Apostles Peter and Paul and two sculptures of the Grand Duke Vladimir.

Transfiguration Cathedral has a luxurious interior. White marble iconostasis, malachite columns, the altar, rich moldings on the dome, Kyoto Accommodation icons - all this gives to the cathedral and the greatness of the hill. The temple has more than one icon, but the most revered of these is the miraculous icon of the Korsun Mother of God - it is holy temple. With this icon on special events (on the third day of Easter) holidays moves are made around the city.

At dusk cathedral shines bright illumination, making it the main decoration of the night city skyline. Transfiguration Cathedral - a historical monument of architecture, which belongs to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate.

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