Manor I. Kharitonenko
   Photo: J. Manor Kharitonenko

Manor I. Kharitonenko in Sumy is located in the beginning of the street Trinity. Its history began in 1860. When the famous sugar-acquired land on the banks of the river Psellos at the confluence of the river in her bag, where he built the manor house and the office of the Firm "Kharitonenko and son." The office clerks worked up to 25, it was a great pride of the ticket hall and comfortable rooms.

In 1912-1913. P. Kharitonenko spent overhaul of buildings, making them even more luxurious and comfortable, equipped with all kinds of communications. There have also been rebuilt farm buildings in the yard - stables, glaciers, and others. Improvements were made and a garden on the river bank. Earlier, before the house was placed a fountain that adorns the figure of the ancient deities. But to live in the equipped Manor P. Kharitonenko did not last long, because in 1914 he died.

After the Revolution, in 1919, in a building located Finance Department, and after - a children's sanatorium Kosior. During the war, the premises were transferred to the hospital, and at the end of the war, in 1947-1952 gg. manor as it regained its original function and turned into the office management saharotresta. Since 1952 to the present day in the manor housed hospitals: in the office building - first clinic and Sumy regional hospital, and at home - City Children's Hospital, later she was transferred to another building, and the house passed the management of land resources.

In recent decades, the manor Kharitonenko began to decline. In 2003, the district hospital was evicted from the estate, which after a grand renovation, planned to create a "Mariinsky Palace Sumy region." Later, the estate was planned to recover and adapt to the needs of the Main Directorate of National Bank in the Sumy region. Unfortunately, due to lack of funds, work was suspended.

Who belongs to the estate of I.Haritonenko Ukrainian Academy of Banking of the National Bank, which plans to create a palace of creativity and entertainment of students.

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