Museum of Bread
   Photo: Museum of Bread

Bread Museum in St. Petersburg is the only museum of its kind in Russia. It was formed in 1988.

The essence of the museum is reflected in its name. Interest in the bread as the greatest invention of mankind is not accidental. In an age of scientific and technological progress is still the bread symbolizes the harmonious relationship between man and nature. Human history is intertwined with the history of bread. In his honor, do the ritual, composed songs, hymns, feast associated with the harvest season planting and harvesting. Bread and salt met the bride and groom on their doorstep, newborn, dear guests. In all this manifests human wisdom, respect for bread, passed on from generation to generation and vaccinate your child from the first days of his life. Bread as a cultural phenomenon allows for an exciting and unusual way to see the life of society and its consumer side. In addition, the museum exhibition shows the history of the bakery business in St. Petersburg.

A selection of pastries is evidence of the high skill workers bread, bakeries and pastry shops of the capital in the XIX century. The museum also has a small town bakery, equipped with the equipment. It is usually served the poor of the capital. A special place in the exhibition are the materials dedicated to the tragic events of the history of Petrograd-Leningrad. The section tells the story of the Second World War and the blockade, presented 125 grams of bread, consisting of oat flour, cakes, hydrocellulose and flour dust. Nowadays it baked according to a recipe of war developed in the main lab trust bakery.

Until the beginning of XX century bakery traditions and customs arrangements for baking dough products used throughout the centuries, have undergone major changes. Spades, shovels, hand mill jar and were widely used in the countryside and in the city. The rapidly growing urban culture contributed to the rapid change of life of its inhabitants. Apart from the traditional wooden and clay utensils firmly entered into the everyday life utensils and shape of the metal for the preparation of cakes, muffins, gingerbread, and many other products. Many recipes for Russian and European cuisine blend in with the way of life of St. Petersburg and was the basis for the publication of a large number of cooking and cookbooks. Appeared in St. Petersburg and restaurants pastry competed in cooking dishes offered to visitors in a colorful and original design of the menu.

The museum houses a collection of samovars, is a symbol of Russian bright and original custom of drinking tea. They appeared in the XVIII century, and gradually occupied the main place in homes, restaurants and tip. The unique flavor of Russian tea drinking tradition have created a fragrant tea, candy and caramel, pretzels and gingerbread shaped, painted ceramic and porcelain, and, of course, sparkling samovar.

A peculiar business card confectionary manufacturers were spectacular boxes for packaging, also is a great advertisement of goods. They are processed on sketches by famous artists, and is therefore a true work of art.

In the first five years the bakery operations gradually begins to acquire industrial features. Unfold bakeries, in which all major operations have been mechanized. In addition to the traditional range, they made piece goods depicting symbols of Soviet times: 5-tikonechnoy star, hammer and sickle, etc.

The museum has been active in collecting, exposition and exhibition, research and outreach. The museum's collection includes about 14,000 exhibits. Today, the museum has become a complete collection of paintings on the theme of "Food and the world of painting."

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