   Photo: Valtice

Valtice Moravian town is famous, above all, the fact that it housed the favorite residence of the Liechtenstein family, which owned the settlement from 1391 to 1945. This town was founded in the XII century the bishops of Passau. A small village with the appearance of the castle was to evolve rapidly and grow. Liechtenstein put a lot of effort to palaces in Valtice and Lednice nearby and the land around them turned into a huge complex of European importance. Now he is under the protection of UNESCO and is considered one of the wonders of the Czech Republic.

Before 1920 Valtice belonged to the Austrian Empire, and then joined the Czechoslovak .  The German population after World War II, was forced to leave their homes .  Valtice gradually turned into an ordinary Czech city that made the Communists closed .  For a long time to enter the territory Valtice allows only local residents or those who have a special permit .  The fall of the Iron Curtain changed everything .  And now, any tourist can admire the gorgeous castle built on the site of an ancient fortress in the Baroque form .  The local palace originally had a Gothic and then Renaissance style .  The baroque style of its architect and rebuilt .  B .  F .  von Erlach in the XVIII century .  Currently, some of the rooms of the castle open to the public .  Their survey gives a complete picture about life of Czech nobles in past centuries .  Elegantly furnished Mirror Hall was once used for magnificent receptions Art Gallery with portraits of the owners of the estate disposed to reflection and leisurely conversations, lounge princess Carla contributed to flirt and love affairs .  The castle is a wine gallery .  There is also a tasting room . 

Around the palace landscape park, which appeared here on the orders of one of Liechtenstein in 1727. While walking on the park is worth seeing Temple of Diana, open colonnade and other interesting buildings.

Apart from the palace, in Valtice you can see the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, the Augustinian monastery, town hall, built in Renaissance style in the 1887-1889 year.

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