   Photo: Slapanice

Center Administrative District, which includes about 40 villages and towns, Slapanice, founded before 1235, when it was first written about in the annals, and will be of interest as an independent city to anyone who loves history. It is in close proximity to the field of Austerlitz, where in 1805 a battle with the troops of the allied armies of Napoleon. About Slapanice has Žuráň mountain, where the descendants erected a monument in honor of that memorable battle, which claimed thousands of lives. On this hill was located the command post of Napoleon. You can still see the stone slab on which was the French emperor, sending his army into battle.

History Slapanice difficult: the city many times burned and was sacked by enemy troops. At first he did not like the Tatars in 1241, and then here came the Hussites, then the Swedes finally Prussian troops in 1742 completed the period of robbery and failure. But there were at Slapanice and bright times. For example, in 1531 the town received from Emperor Ferdinand I to be called the city and, consequently, a weekly trade fairs and to decide questions of ship.

The most ancient temple city is considered to be the church of the Assumption of Our Lady, which was built in the end of XII century, but several times demanded a radical renovation, so do not retained its original Romanesque appearance. Now its facade is in Baroque style. The main altar belongs cutter master Johann Endlingera. In 1887 the bell tower at the church increased to 36 meters.

In the old vicarage, decorated with a plaque "1613" and a statue of St. Florian, founded in the XVIII century, now houses the Museum of Brno.

A two-storey castle, dating from the XVIII century, now owned by a local high school.

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