Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
   Photo: Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Simferopol today is considered one of the most beautiful and grandiose religious buildings of the Crimean capital. It was built by the order of Russian Empress Catherine II, who visited Simferopol in 1787. However, due to the imminent death of the queen, the construction of the temple was delayed. It was laid in 1810, but after a few years of construction again froze due to the outbreak of the War of 1812. In 1816, a new project of the cathedral, and with the support of Alexander I and thanks to generous funding temple quickly finished. The cathedral was brought icons and relics bequeathed even the Empress Catherine.

The temple was built based on the best traditions of Russian classical school, besides, it was one of the most monumental buildings in the city. During the existence of the cathedral was modified several times and rebuilt. The first large-scale restructuring was carried out in 1844, when the western facade were added to the refectory and porch with a bell tower. In 1869, the west side of the temple extended thanks to the construction of the three altars and galleries.

The sad fate awaited Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in the early 20th century. In 1918, the counter-revolutionaries used the bell tower and church building as the firing point, so that the cathedral was heavily damaged. Three years later, the warehouse is equipped with church utensils that were brought from all the churches of the Crimea. But this tragic fate of the cathedral has not ended - in 1929 it was removed from the bell, and a year later the temple blew up, leveling it to the ground. At the site of the cathedral was laid Square.

The revival of the temple began in 1999, when the Supreme Council of Crimea has decided to re-create the same place. Construction works began in 2003. Today, the temple is very different from the former, but also impresses with its beauty and grandeur.

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