Castle Grodno
   Photo: Castle of Grodno

Grodno Castle - a monument of medieval architecture, located on Mount Joy on at 450 meters above sea level in the Lower Silesia. Knight's castle was built in the thirteenth century by Prince Boleslav I.

As a building material was used stone castle was built on top of a large hill and was originally the largest in Silesia. On the perimeter, he was surrounded by a wall of irregular shape with jagged peaks. The entrance gate was located on the southwestern side of the fortress. Upper Castle occupied an area of ​​about 950 square meters.

In 1392, after his wife's death Bolek II, the castle passed into the hands of the Czech crown. In the fifteenth century it belonged to the family of knights, however, during the Hussite wars was looted. The next owner started the reconstruction of the castle in 1545. During the Thirty Years War, the fortress fell into the hands of the Swedes and was destroyed. The last owner of the castle Grodno was Carl von Zetlits, who made an attempt to restore the former greatness. Further work was carried out in the years 1868-1869, and at the end of the nineteenth century there was opened a small hotel.

In 1941-1945 the fortress was badly damaged, the reconstruction was done in the 50s. In 1965 the castle was opened City Museum. Since 2009 the castle belongs to the municipality.

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