Museum MV Frunze
   Photo: Museum of MV Frunze

Museum MV Frunze is located in the Ivanovo region, in the town of Shuya outside Malachi Belova. This is one of the oldest museums in the Ivanovo region. The origin of it is from the exhibition devoted to the life and revolutionary activities of MV Frunze, which opened on March 10, 1939. In 1950, the exhibition was opened, which was built in the biography of MV Frunze. Exposure lasted until 1983, when the museum was closed for re-exposition and overhaul. Today's artistic design of the museum is satisfied group of artists combine pictorial and decorative arts (St. Petersburg) and the Moscow studio of military artists named. Grekov.

In 1992, the museum reopened to the public. The museum exhibition, and its funds Shui tell the history from ancient times. Most of the historical materials is related to the all-Russian history. The museum has an art collection, which includes posters, paintings, sculptures, stamps, pictures, porcelain, etc. The museum collections are stored and the work of distinguished Folk Artists of Russia and the USSR. The museum has preserved the tradition of the memorial museum, since it tells not only about the history Shui, but also about the life of MV Frunze.

In four rooms of the museum, occupying almost 900 sq.m. It is the exhibition "Time and fate." The museum also has 6 showrooms, which shows private collections given to the museum as a gift, as well as a concert hall "Modern".

The first hall of the exhibition tells the story of Shui in the 19th century, introduces its architecture, is the spiritual development of culture and education, merchants trade. The exposition of the hall presents everyday objects related to kontsu19 century, women's and men's clothing, and other items that help create an image of cozy provincial town of Shuya.

The exposition of the second hall tells about the city in the period of revolution: 1905-1907 years, in 1917. Among the unique exhibits presented in it - a prison deal MV Frunze.

The third room is devoted to the creation of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk province and the history of the Civil War. It assessed the events of the revolution and civil war, and their tragic consequences, the activities of the "red" and "white" movement. Dominant hall - diorama "Battle of Ufa" (EA Korneev), which is a sheet 4 x 14m and covers 40 square meters. m. In this room are also presented military banners and weapons of the Civil War. Particular attention should be paid pictures LD Trotsky and MV Frunze at parade, handwritten journal "Free Thought" in 1918, as well as a variety of unique military documents. Portions of the exhibition devoted to the period of the NEP, industrialization and collectivization and political repressions of the 1930s.

The fourth hall is dedicated to the memorial and the last years of life Frunze and his activities as chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic.

The museum also houses a collection of vessels with the secrets, the only one in the world. It operates art salon.

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