Local History Museum
   Photo: Museum of Local History

Nesvizh Regional Historical Museum was founded in 1986. During 9 years of follow-accumulating scientific data collected and ethnographic collection. The official opening of the museum to the public in 1995.

The total area of ​​the museum - 852 square meters. Permanent exhibitions occupy five halls of the museum. Two halls are used for conducting in the museum for temporary exhibitions. The main fund of the museum is divided into 18 thematic collections of exhibits in which more than 8,000 units. Here are some of the museum's collections: "Paintings and Drawings", "Photo documents", "Pottery", "Documents", "Numismatics", "weaving", "archeology", "Precious Metals", "Books and publications", "Tableware "; personal collection: the artist MK Sevruk, composers IT Trosky and PN Kosach. The museum also has several branches.

Personal collection of Belarusian artist, born in Nesvizh Michael Sevruk was opened in the memorial apartment-museum of the painter.

Museum object "Forge" was opened in 2006. It reflects a process of blacksmithing skill. Near the smithy it was also built the shed, well with kamyagoy, shed for carts, machine for shoeing horses to show the whole complex of the ancient forge in action.

Pottery was opened in 2001. It demonstrates the process of creating pottery. The workshop is made in such a way that everyone could try himself as a potter. They conduct workshops craftsmen.

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