Museum diorama of the "Breakthrough of the Siege of Leningrad"
   Photo: Museum-diorama "Break the Siege of Leningrad"

Museum "Break the Siege of Leningrad" opened May 7, 1985. It is a diorama, which is dedicated to a critical juncture in the battle for Leningrad - operation "Iskra".

More than three years of Leningrad artists - KG Molteninov, Y. Garik BV Kotick, NM Kutuzov, LV Kabachek, VI Seleznev, FV Savostianov worked on the creation of artistic and documentary web. The subject group was made up of modelers (VD head Zaitsev). Many of the authors of paintings themselves participated in the defense of Leningrad.

The multidimensional canvas measuring 40 x 8 x 6 m for the first time embodied and bloody events of the week of fierce fighting, which lasted from 12 to 18 January 1943. The general idea of ​​the operation was to ensure that, using the counter punches two fronts - Volkhov and Leningrad from the east and west respectively - split group of Nazi troops that kept Schlisselburg-Sinyavino ledge. He commands the front Lieutenant General LA Speak and Army General KA Meretskov. Coordination of interaction of representatives Bids engaged Marshal KE Voroshilov and General of the Army GK Zhukov.

Panorama opens the protrusion from the observation deck. Its depth does not exceed 16 km. After visiting the museum, you find yourself in the heart of the event: on the right bank of the Neva. It is from January 12th, 1943 67th Army of the Leningrad Front under the command of General MP Duhanova went on the offensive. She rushed forward simultaneously 2nd Shock and 8th Army of the Volkhov Front, which led the generals VZ Romanovsky and FN Starikov, respectively.

In the foreground on the left side of the diorama presents the events of the first hours of the battle, when the artillery preparation begins, and a brass band accompanies the first echelon of infantry divisions into battle.

On the left - on fire Shlisselburg. In heavy fighting for his release, in addition to the battalions of the 86th Infantry Division under the command of VA Trubacheva, also attended by the defenders of "nuts".

In the center of the diorama - in the main strike - in the village of Marino units 136th Infantry Division under the command of NP Simonyak boost Neva. It also depicts the events of the third day of the operation, when the crossings of wood and ice across the river crossed 220th and 152nd armored brigade. In place crossing the main bridge was built Ladoga, its left bank ramp is a museum diorama.

In the north, the second business of the town (now city of Kirovsk) - on the right wing offensive violent counterattack Germans reflects the 268th Infantry Division under the command of Colonel SN Barshchou. In the background is the famous "Nevsky Spot" - there regiments of the 45th Guards Division under the command of General AA Krasnov take repeated attempts to storm the 8th GRES.

In the background, in the center of the diorama - the scene of the meeting percussion groups Leningrad and Volkhov fronts, which took place January 18, 1943 in the first and fifth working settlements. The blockade was finally broken.

On the liberated territory from invaders railroad was built Polyana - Shlisselburg to the bridge across the Neva River. "Victory Road" (as it is popularly called) has allowed to accumulate strength for the subsequent liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi invaders land in the days of January 1944.

The uniqueness and originality of the first Leningrad diorama that it reflects the events of seven days at a time to break the blockade. Special depth of the image space allows the viewer to follow the events taking place across the line break. Subject plan that fills six meters in depth from the viewing platform to the picturesque image reinforces "presence effect". Group modelers reproduced real terrain, which is pitted with bomb craters and shells, fragments of engineering structures are made in full size.

Before you create a museum, a research was conducted painstaking archival work. To recreate the overall picture of the battle were used photographic and film documents as well as the memories of the participants of those events. The great assistance was provided by scientific advisers: Candidate of Historical Sciences VP Zaitsev, the participants break the blockade retired Colonel DK Zherebovym and II Solomakhin.

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