St. Basil's Cathedral
   Photo: St. Basil's Cathedral

In Sevastopol, on Bolshaya Morskaya Street is St. Basil's Cathedral. This temple has five domes, it refers to the basilica type. It was built in 1905. The architectural style of the church is defined as the pseudo-researchers. V.Feldman - famous architect, designed this religious building.

For the construction of the cathedral was specially brought krymbalsky and Inkerman stone, hewn it, and it became the main building material. Galvanized tile used for the domes, roofs made out of it. For the rest of the roof used galvanized steel. The building reaches a height of thirty-seven meters.

Thrones of the cathedral dedicated to the following saints: Panteylemonu - healer and martyr, of the Protection of the Mother of God, Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia, Prince Vladimir, the Apostles Peter and Paul, Seraphim of Sarov.

The domes are decorated with crosses, crescents. Such symbols can be interpreted differently. Crescent is regarded as a ship run kormschik Christ. However crescent can be perceived as an anchor expectations. There is a view that it is the old serpent, the enemy under the feet of Christ. And there is a perception that the crescent can be a cradle of Bethlehem, and as a Eucharistic chalice, where lies the body of Christ.

The lancet arch rises above the main dome. Body surrounded by four towers twelve point type. On the west side of the church is the bell tower, it is connected to the main building. The bell tower of the church below ten meters.

During the war, the cathedral was almost completely destroyed. Suffered south aisle, it has turned into ruins. Later, partially restored church. Services were held in the cathedral until 1962. Then they gave the room for the city archives and the gym.

In 1992 the cathedral - north chapel - was returned to believers. It was consecrated in the name of St. Panteleimon. Fully Temple released only by 1994.

Nowadays it is incumbent Cathedral. There are services. Gilding lights on five domes. The main relic of the temple is dedicated to the Holy Virgin. This type of mosaic icon. It can be seen from Bolshaya Morskaya Street.

Restoration works are in the church to this day.

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