National Park "Samarskaya Luka"
   Photo: National Park "Samarskaya Luka"

National Park "Samarskaya Luka" is located on the territory of Syzran, the Volga and the Stavropol administrative regions, the eastern part of Zhigulevskaya hill and has a total area of ​​more than 120 thousand hectares. Founded in 1984 in order to preserve the natural and historical complex, National Park abuts the northern Zhiguliovsk state nature reserves and is limited only by the natural boundaries of the bend of the River Volga.

Samara Bend - this is a unique area with unique landforms, rare flora and fauna, unique microclimate and the amazing beauty of ancient forests. From the most popular natural attractions of the legendary Valiant barrow, reaching a height of over 200 meters (near the Gulf of Usinsk), Mount Camel with fancy Tor (near s.Shiryaevo), Maiden Rock, and Shelehmetskie mountains with caves and picturesque Vistula Stone. Holy place in the park is considered a source of stone bowl, located at the foot of the mountains that form the cup-shaped extension Shiryaevo ravine. Near the source it was placed swimming pool and chapel.

From the archaeological sites of particular interest is the town Murom (the largest settlement of Volga Bulgaria 9-13 cc.), As well as the settlement of the Bronze and Iron Ages in the mountains: White, Bald, Zadelnoy and Lbische. In the village of Bolshaya Ryazan is a colorful ethnographic museum and Shiryaevo - the house-museum of the artist Ilya Repin. Across the park hiking trails for lovers of active leisure.

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