Church of Sant'Andrea della Valle
   Photo: Church of Sant 'Andrea della Valle

Sant'Andrea della Valle - Roman basilica, located in the district of Sant Eustahio Piazza Weedon at the intersection of Corso Vittorio Emanuele and Corso Rinashimento. This is the main church of the monastic order Theatines.

Creating a church was conceived when Donna Costanza Piccolomini d'Aragona, Duchess of Amalfi and a descendant of the family of Pope Pius II, bequeathed his palace and the surrounding church of San Sebastiano in the heart of Rome Order Theatines. As the patron saint of Amalfi is considered to Andrew, once it was decided that a new church will carry his name. Work began in 1590 - the project of architects Giacomo della Porta and Pier Paolo Olivieri, and they patronized by Cardinal Gesualdo. In 1608, after a hiatus, construction resumed - it is connected to Carlo Maderno, created even more ambitious project. Interior decoration of the church was completed in 1650.

The sight of the church is its dome. For something to paint the dome frescoes by Giovanni Lanfranco fought and Domenichino, both - students Carracci. In 1608, Cardinal Alessandro chose Lanfranco, but Pope Gregory XV chose Bolognese Domenichino. As a result, both artists were hired. Luxury decoration Lanfranco, completed in 1627, became a role model for the next several decades. A Domenichino had a hand in the decoration of the apse of the church. The dome itself has long been considered the third largest dome in Rome after St. Peter's Basilica and the Pantheon.

Inside the church are noteworthy chapel, the work of outstanding artists of his time - a chapel Jeanette with sculptures by Antonio Raddzhi, Chapel Strozzi with bronze copies of statues by Michelangelo, he himself had designed, Chapel Madonna della Purità with the tomb of the martyr St. Fortunato, round the chapel to the left of the entrance the tomb of Pope Pius II, and others.

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