Babolovo Palace and King tub
   Photo: Babolovo Palace and King tub

Babolovo Palace is located in the city park Babolovskiy Pushkin (Tsarskoye Selo). It is an object of cultural heritage of Russia.

History of Babolovskiy palace dates back to the 80s of the XVIII century, when Babolovo near the village, three miles from the Tsarskoye Selo, the marshes and lowlands, forested, Prince Grigory Potemkin arranged a manor with a small landscaped garden.

In 1780 the manor was built manor house made of wood, which in 5 years has given way to the stone palace, built in 1785 according to plan Neyelov. Volumetric solution project and many of its features suggest that the planning of the palace Babolovskiy contributed and I. Starov, who at that time was building a palace for the prince in the islands on the Neva, giving it the nature of the style "Gothic": jagged parapets, window with pointed completion. Type of gothic buildings gave the palace and an 8-migrants tower with tent covering.

Asymmetrical layout Babolovskiy Palace and diversity of halls gave the building unusual and original. The main room has a large marble bath, to bathe in the hot days.

Babolovo Palace was a summer one-story structure. There were 7 rooms, each of you can get into the park.

Too remote location of the palace led to his infrequent attendance and by 1791 abandoned building decayed.

Second birth Babolovskiy palace became its restructuring, made in the years 1824-1825 VP Stasov. Oval Room - compositional center of the palace. Its dimensions were significantly increased by the architect to it managed to place instead of the former baths of marble new - granite. The unique capacity of the monolith, accommodating 8,000 buckets of water, was commissioned by the famous St. Petersburg engineer Betancourt mason Samson Sukhanov, who was driving the creation of the Exchange rostral column on Vasilevsky Island in St. Petersburg and participated in the preparation of the pedestal of the monument to Minin and Pozharsky in Moscow. A giant piece of red granite interspersed with greenish tones labrador weighing more than 160 tons was delivered to one of the Finnish islands. His polished in place for 10 years in the period from 1818 po1828 years.

The bath height was 196 cm, diameter - 533 cm, depth - 152 cm; weight - 48 tons. First, the pool was installed, and then built a wall around. It led to the bath iron staircase with a handrail, keep on cast-iron columns and equipped with viewing platforms. All the elements were manufactured in the Ironworks C. Byrd. Historian J. Yakovkin was told that it - "the first in the world", and Professor J. Zembitsky noted that this work deserves attention, because "since the Egyptians did not know such a colossal granite."

However Stasov wrote that on the highest command of the manufacture of the dome of the rock, instead of a planned ceiling of wood over the oval hall, being built around the pool supplied granite, it was necessary to increase the walls and foundations, the corresponding weight and thrust of the dome. It was necessary to break down the remaining part of the former hall and some of the surrounding walls of the palace with their foundations. The architect has finished the work in 1829, to reconstruct only the main volume, and carefully preserved Gothic appearance of the building with lancet windows and attic gear. They plastered facade of the palace, to cut a stone and stained brown.

Babolovo Palace was severely damaged during World War II. The collapse of its stone arches. Only one bath is preserved. During the war, the Germans tried to take it as a unique exhibit, but could not.

Currently, the palace is in ruins. The proposed restoration.

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