Pskov Academic Drama Theatre. AS Pushkin
   Photo: Pskov Academic Drama Theatre. AS Pushkin

The centenary of the birth of AS Pushkin was decided to build a theater building in Pskov. First the name - People's House them. AS Pushkin. This name the theater has received since the funds for its construction were collected by residents of the province by subscription, that is, it was built on the people's money. From there he got his first title. The author of the project was appointed architect of the Pskov EA Germeier. Despite the fact that the building was laid in 1899, construction was realized only in 1906. In the same year was the grand opening of the theater. In those days, at this stage could be seen E.Karchaginu-Alexandrov, Vladimir Davydov, V.Hodotova, A.Pirogova, V.Komissarzhevskuyu, L.Mendeleevu, Chaliapin, I.Sobinova, K.Varlamova, A.Dunkan .

Soon after the revolution of 1917 the theater was renamed and became the municipal theater. In 1920, he again changed the name to Pskovsy City Drama Theatre. Pushkin, and in 1939 - at the Leningrad Regional Drama Theatre. Pushkin. In spite of the frequent changes of names, he still carried a "reasonable, good and eternal" for the audience, many of whom were regulars. However, World War II made in his life his adjustments. During the occupation the Germans used it for their cultural activities. There were concerts and tours of other theaters. And in 1944 during the bombing of the building was badly damaged. In the theater of devastation reigned. Most of the Nazis looted property. Equipment and material assets was taken to Germany.

After the war, work began on the restoration of the theater. In 1946, he was overhauled. Soon the theater was fully equipped and re-opened to the public. He found a second youth and once again became a cultural center of Pskov intellectuals. In the 50s of the 20th century there started his career many famous Russian stage actors, including People's Artists of Russia: E.Vitorgan, T. Rumyantsev V.Azo and other celebrities. Many of the actors are now living successfully work in the famous theaters in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Already in the 90s of the 20th century Drama Theater was famous in many cities and suburbs. The troupe is actively participating in tours and festivals in Russia and abroad, especially in Europe. About the theater Pskov know firsthand in many cities in Germany, the UK, the Netherlands, Finland, France, the Baltic States and the CIS countries - Ukraine, Latvia, Belarus.

Today, in the Pskov theater works two and eight zacluzhennyh folk artists. Despite the difficulties and the realities of today's life, the number of viewers increased over the past decade.

A remarkable creative experiment Pskov Drama Theater became his project "Carousel." It started in May 1988 and is a huge success. This outreach performances in the open air, which take place in historic places and monuments, often dedicated to some historical events or holidays. With their performances the theater participated in many international festivals in different cities of Russia and is particularly popular with the audience. Director of the theater "Carousel" is V.Radun, which together with E.Shishlo works director in Pskov Academic Drama Theatre. Pushkin. Director of the latter is Pavlov.

Another undoubted merit of the theater - the active participation of the students in his work. Through drama school Pskov Polytechnic Institute, students are able to put their shows and even participate in repertory performances Drama Theater (in the crowd).

The theater is constantly updating its repertoire, including his classic and modern performances, attracting the viewer with new creative discoveries and experiments.

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