Church of the Epiphany with Zapskove
   Photo: Church of the Epiphany with Zapskove

Epiphany Church rises above the right bank of Pskov, on Zapskove over Brody. Has 3 throne: the chief - the Epiphany, and 2 chapels - Beheading of St. John the Baptist - the south and the Three Hierarchs (Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom) - North. The temple was founded in 1496, but at the same time, the first time it is mentioned in the annals in 1397. It was said that it is located on the "Epiphany Red Cross", the Red Cross is a beautiful intersection. On the other side were two other Church of the Epiphany, therefore, these three churches were called "holy triangle", because in this place sanctified water on Epiphany (Epiphany).

From the church down the road to the river and a footbridge. The ancient name of the neighborhood Brody as the river here could be forded. Hence another name for the temple - "Epiphany on Broad."

This beautiful building admired the famous architect Le Corbusier, who arrived in the Soviet years in France within the framework of cooperation between the two countries in the field of architecture and construction. Images ancient Pskov temple inspired by his work 50s, especially built for his project in the 1950-1953 chapel in his home town of Ronchamp.

The building of the church, preserved until today, was built in 1496. Prior to that was another temple, which was replaced by a stone. The architectural image of the last buildings - a rectangular structure with a head, with an asymmetrical composition has 3 apses, narthex, galleries and 2 chapels. The facade on the apses and the drum is decorated with so-called "necklace of Pskov." Inside a cross-domed structure with four pillars.

The church in the 16th century bell tower was built with five spans and basement. Until recently, it was 7 old bells. The biggest of them was cast by Ivan the Terrible, a second smaller - polyeleos, third, second in size, all the day. It was still two small dings and podzvonka. Now the ancient bell replaced. October 13, 2008, Metropolitan Eusebius consecrated 7 new bells, which were cast in Voronezh. After that, they raised to the belfry. The biggest of them weighs about two tons.

In the 17-18 centuries the temple was restored for the first time. In 1897, next to the temple was built for the parish school, which opened on October 8, 1898. It studied about 100 students.

In the 30 years the Soviet authorities closed the Church of the Epiphany. During World War II, the church building has undergone severe damage, caused considerable damage to hit him bomb and artillery shells. Blown iconostasis of the 17th century and all the wooden elements of construction. In 1948-1953, an ancient building once again subject to a partial restoration, during which discovered the ancient painting, which shows that the ancient temple was decorated with frescoes.

In the 90 years of the 20th century there were research and archaeological work conducted emergency response activities under the leadership of AK Bogodukhov. In 2000-2008, continued restoration work. In the central chapter of the bulb replaced. Restored south aisle, preserving fragments of ancient masonry, as well as his drum and a cross. North chapel entirely rebuilt and is also preserved part of the old masonry. Also rebuilt the ancient southern gallery.

In 2005 the building was handed over to the church again. November 6, 2007 was held the first service. And from 9 December 2007 to resume regular service. March 7th, 2008, Metropolitan Eusebius consecrated cross in the south aisle. Today, the Church of the Epiphany with Zapskove certainly is an ancient historical and cultural monument of federal importance and protected by the state.

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