Palace Bretfelda
   Photo: Palace Bretfelda

Nerudova street in Prague - a real open-air museum. On it are some of the most beautiful houses, which can rightly be considered palaces.

As you know, many houses in Prague have their name. This custom appeared in the old days, when houses were not numbered. Building name given by the signs that the owners strengthened on the facades. The well-known in Prague House "Summer and Spring" at №33 on the street Nerudova - a former palace of Baron Bretfelda. Prior to its construction in this area Mala Strana occupied gorgeous vineyards, which suffered greatly after the massive fire in the XVI century. Restoring them did not make sense, and then gave the land for construction of houses, later passed into the ownership of Baron Joseph Bretfelda.

The new owner had a major reconstruction. As a result of which there was a palace in Baroque style, decorated with moldings. Oh, how many balls and carnivals saw this palace! Philanthropist and art lovers Bretfeld arranged here a truly colossal techniques, which attracts all the Prague know. Even Mozart himself, arriving in Prague, I preferred to stay at the dearest Baron. It was in the palace Bretfelda he became acquainted with another famous person - Giacomo Casanova, who was also a close friend of the owner of the house.

The walls of the ballroom at the time decorated finely drawn oil murals which depicted views of Prague XVIII century. They are able to copy, before some of them were lost, and another turned into something a little understandable. Today, the palace belongs to the entrepreneur who is in no hurry to invest in its restoration.

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