Tumski Island
   Photo Island Tumski

Tumski Island is an island between the two arms of the River Warta Poznan. Today it is one of the main attractions of the city.

The first fort was built on an island in 8-9 centuries. And in the 10th century settlement on the island it has become one of the main political centers. Archaeological excavations conducted here in 1999, showed that the island was the ducal palace in the place where now is the church of the Virgin Mary. It is expected that a palace with a chapel had a spouse of Polish Prince Mieszko I. On the adoption of the Polish ruler of Christianity on the island was built the first cathedral, and the island became the property of the bishops. The island's population at the time was about 200 people, it was surrounded Tumski shaft height okolo10 meters total length of 2 km.

After the invasion of the island Bretislava I was restored from damage caused to them by Prince Casimir I the Restorer, however, soon Poznan lost its political significance. A special contribution to the development of the island has made Lyubranski Ian Bishop, who in 1518 founded the Academy, which remained higher education institution until 1780. Also during his tenure on the island appeared water and paved streets. The cathedral, which was rebuilt in the Gothic style in the 14th and 15th centuries, was seriously damaged by fire in 1622, after which he was again rebuilt in Baroque style. After Poznan withdrew Prussia in 1793, the population of Tumski island was 304 people. In 1800, the island was officially included in Poznan.

The island was badly damaged during the capture of the city by the Red Army in 1945. Restoration work was carried out until 1960. Today the island Tumski - the main tourist attractions. Of particular interest here are: the Cathedral, the Archbishop's Palace, the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the 15th century, as well as Academy Lyubranski, which currently houses the Museum of the diocese.

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