Great Temple and the Temple of Neptune
   Photo: Great Temple and the Temple of Neptune

Great Temple and is situated not far from it, the Temple of Neptune - the sights, which are always popular with tourists traveling through the town of Croatia. Interesting old architecture will delight the eyes of even the most selective traveler and beautiful nature around it will not leave anyone indifferent.

Great Temple was built in the early first century, it is located in the northwest of the Marafor Square. This square is the oldest and largest area of ​​Porec and is always included in the excursion visiting the city. In ancient times it was located in the Roman Forum, now those buildings are preserved only fragments. On the square you will see a small fountain with a sculpture of adorable baby. From the square, Marafor originates Decumanus Street, in which there is a curious tourists stroll - here you will see many interesting things. Before our time "survived" only a small part of the walls and the facade of the great temple. For many years he was considered one of the largest in the territory of the Adriatic.

Temple of Neptune is located in a park in the western part of the square Marafor. Save some fragments of the ancient structure, which is dedicated to Neptune - god of the sea, which is composed of many interesting legends.

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