Church of Our Lady of the Rosary
   Photo: Church of Our Lady of the Rosary

In the eastern suburb of Pilsen, which is called the Slavs on the Jirásek square stands the majestic Church of Our Lady of the Rosary. It belongs to the Dominican monastery and is considered a cultural monument of the Czech Republic.

The temple was built not so long ago - in 1912-1913, when Plzen began to grow rapidly, and the faithful especially sharply felt the lack of churches. In 1908 in the eastern district of the parish was established under management was entrusted to the Dominican Order. This decision was the highest church authorities became an official confirmation of the return of the Dominicans in Pilsen after a 124-year absence. For two years, they picked the site for construction of the church of Our Lady of the Rosary, finally, in 1912 consecrated the first stone in the foundation of the future temple.

The temple was built of concrete and stone by the architect Anton Mueller. In addition to the main building of the church was even built a house of a priest and a large garden on the south side of the church.

Church of Our Lady of the Rosary is a large three-nave church built in the style of German Modernism, with side chapels of impressive dimensions. The height of the arches is 13 meters. Above the church is dominated by a square tower.

The church was consecrated when the interiors have not yet been formalized. All the things that you see now in the temple, were created in the first half of the XX century.

Dominicans to hold services in the church until 1950. During the communist regime, they were forced to leave the Czech Republic. Since 1990, the church was owned by the Dominican Order.

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