Natural Park "San Rossore Massaciuccoli"
   Photo: Natural Park "San Rossore Massaciuccoli"

Natural Park "San Rossore Massaciuccoli" stretches along the coast of the provinces of Pisa and Lucca in Tuscany, in the place where once there were only small ponds and marshes. Over time, the area was filled with sediments brought by the rivers Arno and Serchio and the Tyrrhenian Sea. But it is also a work of human hands - that man is paved canals and drained soil. Reclamation began in the reign of the Dukes of the Medici.

The geographical location and climatic conditions contributed to the formation on the territory of the park diverse ecosystems: here you can find an extensive coastal area, forested with a predominance of deciduous and coniferous trees, wide sandy beaches and dunes, which are considered the best of Tirrenia and Marina di Vekkiano, as well as water- Wetlands of International Importance. The latter include Lake Massaciuccoli and swamps of San Rossore.

The variety of landscapes - dunes, beaches, forests, Mediterranean scrub, cultivated areas - and the availability of water resources (wetlands, gullies, channels, marshes, lakes, rivers and ponds) - are the main features of the park of San Rossore. They determine the wealth of the local flora and fauna.

Bird Kingdom unusually numerous and varied: here live like nesting birds and migratory - red herons, wild ducks, marsh harriers and others. A lot of deer in the park and wild boars, as well as small mammals like foxes, porcupines, dormice, badgers and squirrels.

Flora San Rossore includes such rare species as sundew (a small plant-predator), vine obvoynik Greek, marsh orchid, pink hibiscus and the Florida fern. In the coastal zone and zone of dunes are plants pioneers - Sandy cornflowers and beams eriantus Ravenna.

Among the traditional activities developed in the Park, you can call agriculture, gathering pine nuts, animal husbandry and sheep breeding. Park visitors can witness the horse racing at the Hippodrome of San Rossore, also known as Prato degli Eskoli - this is a very popular event. Part park, part of the province of Pisa divided into three villages - San Rossore in the heart, and Koltano Tombolo in the south.

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