Entertainment complex Bёrsvud
   Photo: Entertainment complex Bёrsvud

Bёrsvud entertainment complex situated on the bank of the Swan River in a suburb of Perth. The complex includes a casino, open 24 hours a day, 7 restaurants, 8 bars, a nightclub, a 5-star luxury hotel «InterContinental» and 4-star hotel «Holiday Inn», conference hall and a theater.

Home complex began in 1984 when local businessman Dallas Dempster decided to build a casino on the island of Burswood on Swan River 3 km to the east of Perth. Earlier this place was located landfill for municipal solid waste, which created some difficulties in the drafting of the complex because of the risk of possible failure of the soil and water flushing technology to the nearby river.

The building permit was obtained in March 1985, and work has begun to boil. By the end of the year - December 30 - the opening of the casino, which was the biggest in Australia and the third largest in the world. In the first two months of the profit from the work of the casino reached 1 million Australian dollars a day! It far exceeded all the expected revenues. By January 1987, the number of visitors of the complex had reached three million.

In August 1987, opened the sports stadium «Burswood Dome», which became the largest in the southern hemisphere - in an area of ​​8800 m? can accommodate nearly 14 thousand people. And a couple of months opened their doors hotel «Burswood Island Hotel» and a conference room. In 2003 the hotel was taken over by an international group of «InterContinental Hotels Group» was appropriately renamed. Then it was built a second hotel on the 291 number - «Holiday Inn».

Today, around the mall is a small park where you can admire the wild flowers, various sculptures and play golf.

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