Nicholas Monastery
   Photo: Nicholas Monastery

St Nicholas Priory is set back from the road, between the river and Trubezh Yaroslavl highway. Beside him stands the temple of the Smolensk-Kornilievsky the remainder of Boris and Gleb Monastery.

Nicholas Monastery as a male monastery was founded around 1350 by St. Demetrius Prilutsky. In 1382 during the Tartar hordes led by Khan Tokhtamysh monastery was ruined, like the rest of the city. Restored it was only in the XV century. Until the Time of Troubles, the monastery flourished, getting a lot of donations. Polish-Lithuanian army again to destroy it, and in 1613 here came the elder Dionysius, throwing himself on the strength of its revival.

At the end of the XVII century the monastery was taken Korsun cross, which became its main shrine (today is stored in a local history museum).

In 1704, in the Nicholas Monastery Archimandrite Pitirim came next, supported by Peter the Great began to struggle with the schismatics (up to 1738). If Pitirim was built by the now demolished and reconstructed in a new form of St. Nicholas cathedral church, founded back in 1680 under his predecessor Varlaam, which gathered a lot of money for the construction of a new high belfry.

In the XVIII century monastery completely re-build up stone buildings. Long Chief Nicholas Church was built (1680-1721 years) - the highest five-domed cathedral with three apses posed far and wide windows. In 1693 there was a cathedral belfry. Both these buildings have not survived: in 1923 the monastery was abolished and the main cathedral and bell tower - destroyed. For a long time there was a livestock database.

After the monastery was handed over to believers on the old foundation was built a new St. Nicholas Cathedral, in no way similar to the former and not to pursue this, but became one of the main landmarks of the city. In place of the old bell tower came a massive three-span belfry. Church and bell tower were built in the new style on the plan architect Izhikova not because of the old buildings has been preserved drawings and give reasons cloister "more classic forms," ​​as the former cathedral was built in the Baroque style, not typical Russian.

It is interesting to another important event in the life of the monastery. It was founded as a male monastery, but, according to Pereslavl Varentsova citizen, in 1899, it turned into a convent for the reason that the number of brothers to the end of the XIX century, was reduced to a few people, and the monastery was abandoned altogether. A small community of women, led by Abbess Antonia restored old buildings and build new ones. Now it is also women's monastery.

Of the oldest churches in the monastery survived two: Gate Church of St. Peter and Paul and the Church of the Annunciation with a refectory.

Gate Church of St. Peter and Paul was built with funds donated by the Moscow merchants brothers Kholshchevnikova in the 1750s in the Baroque style, with time, probably, I have lost some of the details of its decor, but otherwise remained intact. Stateliness, and the church gives up striving stretched upward dome, completed by a narrow high drum with a small gilded dome. The dome of the four sides are quite large dormer little window-like design and size of the window in the quadrangle, which holds the dome.

Annunciation church with a refectory was built in place of the burnt church of Kazan in 1748 in Baroque style. It was built on the donations of the citizens of Moscow Schelyaginyh. Its roof, like the dome of St. Peter and St. Paul, pulled up high and is decorated with narrow drum, topped with a small cupola. In the corners of the quadrangular drum set slightly smaller, with exactly the same cupolas.

The monastery is surrounded by a low brick wall (1761) with decorative turrets, some of which have been restored.

Restored not only the church but also old stone and erected in 1902, cells and other outbuildings, where flows and monastic life.

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